The Effects of True Ilm
It is furthermore evident from this that Ilm is only that by virtue of which one becomes a cultured human being, the heart becomes lustrous and purified, darkness and corruptness are effaced and Nooraaniyyat [lightness and holiness] settle in [the heart].
The effects of that will manifest themselves in the form of beautiful character and wholesome actions leading to peace, serenity, safety and tranquility becoming widespread in the world. People will not face an iota of harm, terror, mischief and trouble from such a person. Everyone will be comforted by him. No-one will face danger from him. Everyone will be at ease with him and will have trust in him. People will receive peace, ease, comfort and rest from him.
The Effects of Secular Education
Now look at secular education and worldly sciences and their institutions and centres. Do we find teachings of this nature? Look, and look carefully! Look over and over again! Make a thorough inspection. Leave alone education of these things you will never even find the slightest attention and concern for it.
In fact, you will find the opposite. You will find engrossment and indulgence in such things; such fervour and frenzy which drive those who pursue such education and sciences to attain heterogenous carnal desires, self-honour, status, power, glamour, comfort, wealth, luxury, pleasure, name, fame, following, service, learning ways and schemes to make others subservient and servants, authority and rule over others, etc. You will find them engrossed in these thoughts and dreams day and night, morning and evening, whilst sleeping and whilst awake.
Now, it is clear, and abundantly clear that besides egotism, self-interests, sensual pleasures, selfishness and insensitivity, crime and anarchy instead of sympathy, troubling and harming instead of peace and safety, instead of providing comfort and besides ruin and destruction what else will be achieved?
It is for this reason that as this kind of education and sciences [secular] expands, as such institutions increase and classes of society turn in more and more numbers to it [secular education], the more crime, anarchy and every sort of danger are accelerated to the extent that thinkers, intellectuals and governments are helpless and powerless to curb its high tide stemming from being nurtured in all these colleges and universities.
Leaving the portals of those institutions, becoming posted to some office and gaining some sort of authority leaves them with access to pleasures, money, glory and beauty which they zealously and ambitiously pursue. They loudly pronounce their invincibility and authority. In this case there is no question of them having any regard for the responsibilities on their shoulders and sparing any thought for the problems and difficulties encountered by the general public and creation. They have nothing to do with their [creation’s] sufferings and coming to their rescue and aid.
They are perennially engaged in acquiring the latest for themselves and at most for those close to them. They think only about themselves and their close ones. In this state of affairs it is obvious that in acquiring, securing and fulfilling their goals and ambitions they will never look at the sufferings or comfort of others. They will be totally indifferent to that. They won’t have time for others no matter what; be there crime, anarchy, rising cost of living, ill-treatment, injustices and oppression. [The vivid picture painted here by Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Saheb (Quddisa Sirruhu ) is witnessed on a daily basis, with governments at the forefront of this horrible culture of bestiality nurtured and promoted by western education. May Allah Ta'ala protect us.]
They have absolutely no concern for that. Even if they render some meager service then it is either due to some fleeting exigency or personal benefit of blocking of criticism and objection, or through bribe-taking, hoarding money is their idea. Besides accumulation of wealth and glory they perhaps cannot care in the least for others—for the oppressed and for the distressed— save a few.
What is the reason for this ruin and rot nowadays? For no reason other than being trained from the age of discretion in bestial, material and sensual objectives and goals. No one showed them even a sign of cultured human behaviour. Whence will they then gain lofty human attributes and traits? How will they then become proper human beings? How are they then going to inculcate lofty character, righteous deeds, sterling ways and admirable practices?
And how are the dark tides of injustice and oppression going to be stemmed? How will peace, order, safety and tranquility settle in the land and on earth? How is salvation from local and global problems and disturbances going to be attained?
Indeed when this trend of uncontrollable bestiality, barbarity and satanity and gross human rights abuses, injustice, usurpation of rights, vices and ignorance become widespread then this world will be a spectacle of Hell. Life here will be pervaded with much anxiety, misery and profound bitterness.
So the clamour nowadays for western education and culture and the spread of secular knowledge and culture to apparently every big and small, major and minor town, village, settlement, city and all classes of the social strata—close to every person male and female, is pursing and obtaining this education and culture—yet the lofty goals and standards of proper human behaviour mentioned earlier are not realized is manifest proof of this [western] culture and [secular] education being mere hollow terms bearing no substance and essence. In fact, it does not come remotely close to real education and culture. They [secular and western educated modernists] have not even dreamt of true education and culture.
Thus, the one and only conclusion we come to is that the education and courses imparted in these colleges and universities are human concoctions of progress in self-interests, perfection in self-aggrandizement and pecuniary carnal desires and incitement to haughtiness and proudfulness. For this filling one’s belly, pampering one’s body, adorning one’s body and name, fame and acclaim are key requisites which are fountainheads of violation of human rights due to which infliction of harm, etc instead of provision of aid is inescapable. Therefore, instead of peace, crime and corruption are the order of the day as a result of these colleges, universities and this ‘education’. These are the effects and fruits of this concocted ‘education’.
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