Divine Mercy from Darood
Alhamdulillah, due to the blessing that comes from our reciting darood (salutations upon Rasoolullah ) we have been given the will to perform Allah’s dhikr. Allah’s personal manifestation descends upon Mustafa and on that place where Mustafa is present. The Divine manifestations accompany Rasoolullah : Rasoolullah is in Madinah and due to his presence Madinah is above all other places, Madinah is nothing without Allah’s Messenger . When Rasoolullah was in Quba, Quba was best, but when he left Quba for another place, then that place becomes the best. Thus it becomes clear that superiority is not due to the residence, but to the resident.
All the manifestations come onto Rasoolullah and then he distributes them… And what is it that he is giving? It is Allah’s mercy.
All the manifestations come onto Rasoolullah and then he distributes them… And what is it that he is giving? It is Allah’s mercy.
We know that the Divine manifestations are for the person of Nabi Kareem . We also know from Hadith that Allah sends 10 mercies to whoever sends darood once on Nabi Kareem . There is another Hadith that says Allah sends 70 mercies in return, and there is yet another Hadith where Allah Himself declares that He sends 100 mercies to whoever sends one darood on Allah’s Habeeb. All these Hadith are well authenticated and have been correctly explained. So the question arises, why is it that in one place the number 10 is mentioned, in another it is 70 and in another 100? (Bear in mind what was said at the beginning, that we have been granted the will to perform Allah’s dhikr by the blessings of darood. I am giving not a prepared speech.) We know that all the Divine Manifestations descend upon the person of Mustafa , and that he then distributes them. Allah is the giver and Nabi Kareem is the distributor. All the manifestations come onto Rasoolullah and then he distributes them. To some he gives 10, to others he gives 70 and to others he gives 100. And what is it that he is giving? It is Allah’s mercy. Allah says to Rasoolullah that He has sent His mercy down and it is up to Rasoolullah to give 10 or 70 or 100 as he pleases. However, Rasoolullah also says that he does not really give, rather those who love him take from him. Whoever loves him is never bereft.
People get good deeds according to their degree of love for Rasoolullah . Furthermore, Allah says that the biggest gift in creation is that ‘I engage someone in My dhikr’ - and this gift is also distributed by Rasoolullah . I was not wrong when I said that we have been granted dhikr by virtue of darood, because it is all the gift of Rasoolullah . I have recited darood and I have performed dhikr, as you have as well. Allah’s dhikr is tremendous beyond imagining and we have been granted the will to do it through the blessings of Rasoolullah .
My friends, this discussion is about a wonderful secret, but it is only for those who really want to follow the way of guidance, not for those who listen with one ear and forget with the other. Rasoolullah’s words are very dear. Rasoolullah has told us each and every thing that will take us close to Paradise. He has also explained to us each and every thing that will take us away from Hell. Now it is up to you whether you accept or not - he has told us such dear things that at every instant we can get closer to Paradise.
If we look at creation we see that time has two parts, day and night. In both the day and the night one thing is required, and that is worship. Apart from that, the day and night are divided up so that the day is for work and the night is for rest. This is well known, but the true lovers say to Allah, “We have been given the night for rest, but it is up to us whether or not we rest. Do You know if we get rest in our beds or in remembering You?” The lovers see people in one of three groups, the heedless, the near and the dear.
The Heedless, The Near and The Dear
The heedless are those who have no care for worshipping at night and they have no care for getting up and worshipping in the morning. May Allah give us the will to stay away from the heedless. During the day they work, then at night they might chat or watch television or a film, then if it is time to sleep, they go to bed. They have been called the heedless and some very severe warnings have been given about them. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Masud narrates a Hadith that
When a heedless person wakes up, Allah puts a shaytaan on him and every morning that shaytaan urinates in his ear.
The effect of the shaytaan urinating in his ear is that he spends the whole day ignorant and unaware, and during the day he is also beset with difficulties and worries. All of this because he was careless in the morning, and so a shaytaan urinated in his ear. I am explaining these Hadith for your service, they are saheeh Hadith, and may Allah save us from being among the heedless.
What is the second group? They are the near and they have a wonderful habit. They pray ‘Esha salaah and after ‘Esha salaat they don’t talk to anyone, and they set their alarms with the aim of waking in the last part of the night to remember their Lord. So they wake and make wudhu and then according to their capacity they recite Qur’aan or engage in dhikr Allah and so become included in the near.
With regard to the dear, the Qur’aan tells us something astonishing about them. After ‘Esha they certainly go to bed, but from ‘Esha till Fajr, while they are in their beds, with each turn they start up, saying “Allah, Allah”. Allah’s name does not let them rest. They are the dear and this is their way of spending the night.
We have discussed the night and the three ways the three types of people spend it; now for the day. Daytime is the very dangerous time from sunrise to sunset. From sunrise onwards people’s bad works start, lying, backbiting, dishonesty, deceit and so on. In the night even the most sinful person is safe, because he simply lies down and sleeps. But during the day it is very hard to escape from sin. From morning till evening this sin or that sin is committed. Sometimes the eyes sin, sometimes some other part of the body sins - good deeds are few, while sins are many.
The Cure
The Cure
Now let me turn to Hadith. SubhanAllah, may our lives be sacrificed for the mercy to the worlds . The Hadith say that these are human weaknesses - you have to live and work in this world and your status before Allah will rise and fall. It is impossible to avoid sin, you are bound to commit sins, some big ones and some lesser ones. But do not worry, Rasoolallah’s words are very dear. If Rasoolullah tells you the cure, won’t you take that cure? If you want to save yourself while you live in this dunya you can commit sins! Rasoolullah doesn’t prevent you from committing sins - SubhanAllah how can we understand the ways of Rasoolullah ? He has told us that we cannot abstain from, and that we will keep committing, sins, but he has also told us something very special. Let us look closely at the Hadith. Rasoolullah says that:
If you do the dhikr of Allah in the first part of the day, that is the morning, and you do dhikr of Allah in the last part of the day, that is in the evening, and so have remembered Allah at the beginning and at the end of the day, then Allah says to His angels, “My angels! My servant has remembered me in the morning and in the evening. Now your ability to record the sins he has committed between these two parts of the day is taken away from you - those sins cannot be recorded.”
My friends, see how valuable the dhikr of Allah is?
The scholars of Hadith have reflected upon this Hadith and some have said that this Hadith means that only the minor sins are forgiven but the major sins are not forgiven. Other scholars of Hadith have said that the major sins are forgiven and the term ’sins’ in the Hadith means both major and minor sins. It occurred to me that when Allah says ’sins’, which He has forgiven, Allah is so generous and forgiving that for Him minor sins are not minor and major sins are not major and when He decides to forgive, He forgives them all. Due to the blessing of the dhikr, which the person has done morning and evening, Allah in His grace and mercy forgives all sins, both great and small.
You may ask on what authority I have given my opinion. In reply I will say that I have presented Hadith in support of whatever I have said. Now let me present a Hadith in your service which is reported by Hadhrat Anas. He says that the angels we have on our left and right, recording all our deeds (despite us thinking the Qiyamat and Judgement are far away), present a report of them to Allah every day! Don’t think we are free to do as we please. Allah is given the record of our deeds every morning and evening. Allah takes that record and if He sees Allah’s dhikr in the morning and the evening, then He says “My angels! Because this person has remembered Me in the morning and in the evening, I make you a witness and I proclaim that I have forgiven whatever sins he has committed in between.” This includes minor sins and major sins.
Allah’s mercy is wonderful - if He decides to forgive then He may chose not just to forgive, but to turn a sinner into a great saint.
Allah’s mercy is wonderful - if He decides to forgive then He may chose not just to forgive, but to turn a sinner into a great saint.
Now let me present something else in your service. Allah’s mercy is wonderful - if He decides to forgive then He may chose not just to forgive, but to turn a sinner into a great saint. I would like tell you of an event from the life of Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak. Allah’s mercy can, at any time, take someone from the lowest state to the very highest state and that person cannot even think how it happened. Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak was an ordinary man. Once he fell in love with a girl. Overcome with love for this woman, he wandered the streets singing. One night he stood waiting for this girl; it was a cold winters night, yet he spent the entire night waiting for his beloved. But the girl didn’t come out, and while he was waiting he heard the Adhaan for Fajr. As he was listening to the Adhaan a little thought entered his heart. He thought to himself “Abdullah, you have done a strange thing, just for the sake of a woman you stood here all night, if instead you had spent the night in worship, then Allah would have been pleased with you.” Allah is so generous that as soon as this thought entered his heart, Allah Himself came forward, accepted his repentance and gave him a very special rank amongst the Friends of Allah. Let me tell you about his rank. On one occasion, he was asleep under a tree and his mother was looking for him. She found him with a snake next to him. The snake was holding a flower stem in its mouth and the snake was using the flower to fan flies away from his face.
My friends, we must always hope for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. Allah tells us that His mercy encompasses everything. If today you are sinful and you are doing bad things, then try to repent. Today you may be a thief; tomorrow you could be a saint. May Allah grant me and you the will to, at the very least, remember Him morning and evening. In this way Allah promises, through the blessed tongue of His Habeeb , that He will, insha’Allah, forgive the many, many sins we commit in between.
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