The bane of media outlets!

Arif-billah Dr Abdul Hayy ‘Arifi (Allah have mercy on him) said,
‘The biggest bane of the present society, (which are described to be beneficial by some, however, I consider them to be totally corrupt) are the mass media outlets. These include television, radio and newspaper.  They corrupt the morals. They have deteriorated our (humanely) condition, and made us infamous and disreputable.
They broadcast purposeless, paltry, heresy and iconoclastic things. These broadcasting results in the death of humaneness, honor of the human beings and our Islamic faith.
For the sake of God abstain from them!
Do not make an excuse that these can be used for broadcasting good. This a lame pretense. Show me where are they being used to spread good?’
Majalis e Arifi, audio set, CD#1, first waaz. Idara e Eshaat e Islam, Karachi, Pakistan
There are various reasons for the above statement.  They include: The repeated reading or viewing of reports of crime, devious, irrelevant, irreligious, and anti-Islamic things make an individual insensitive of their gravity.
The level of hatred towards sins is diminished.
The chances of being involved in sins which are a ‘norm’ in society increases.
The value of utilizing time effectively is distorted.
The spiritual darkness that accompanies such things makes it difficult to initiate and sustain good works. Etc.
(Irresponsible use of Internet, especially purposeless surfing, should be included in this.)

Monday, September 27, 2010 at 11:00 AM , 0 Comments

1 Million Virtues + 1 Million Sins Forgiven + 1 Million Grades Raised

Invocation for Entering A Market and its Tremendous Reward :

لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّه وحدَهُ لا شريكَ لهُ، لهُ المُلْـكُ ولهُ الحَمْـد، يُحْيـي وَيُميـتُ  وَهُوَ حَيٌّ لا يَمُـوت، بِيَـدِهِ الْخَـيْرُ وَهوَ عَلىَ كلّ شيءٍ قَدِيرٌ

Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, yuhyee wa yumeetu, wa Huwa hayyun laa yamootu, biyadihil-khayru, wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer.

None has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the praise. He brings life and He causes death, and He is living and does not die. In His Hand is all good, and He is Able to do all things.

Reference: At-Tirmithi 5/291, and Al-Hakim 1/538. Al-Albani graded it good in Sahih Ibn Majah 2/21 and Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/152.
دعاء دخول السوق- قال الرسول : « من دخل السوق فقال: “لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو حي لا يموت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير” كتب الله له ألف ألف حسنة ومحا عنه ألف ألف سيئة ورفع له ألف الف درجة » وفي رواية: « وبنى له بيتا في الجنة » [ رواه الإمام أحمد والترمذي وابن ماجه والحاكم عن ابن عمر].
It is stated in the hadith that if a person reads the above du’aa in the market place, Allaah writes ten lakh rewards for him and forgives ten lakh sins and raises his status by ten lakh, and a house is prepared for him in Jannah.
N.B. one lakh = 100,000 (Tirmidhi) Note: Whoever recites this du’aa [in the market place], Allaah will reward him with a million virtues (hasanah), forgive a million of his sins and elevate his rank by a million
Reference: At-Tirmithi 5/291, and Al-Hakim 1/538. Al-Albani graded it good in Sahih Ibn Majah 2/21 and Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/152

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 11:32 AM , 0 Comments


Abu Darda (radhiallahu anhu) said that the rank bestowed to the Abdaal is not on account of their Salaat, Saum and external display of character, but is by virtue of their pure Taqwa, beautiful intentions, rectitude of their hearts and their love and mercy for all Muslims. Allah Ta`ala has ennobled them with His Knowledge and has bestowed special ranks of His Proximity to them.

They never abuse nor speak ill of anyone. They do not tantalize those who are inferior to them nor despise them. They bear no envy to those superior to them. They excel in virtue. Their disposition is most amiable and they are the most generous. Their hearts hasten towards goodness and they quickly attain the loftiest spiritual heights. This group is the army of Allah and they are the ones who attain success.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 10:51 PM , 0 Comments

A Man from a school of Tabi’ee

Shaykh ibn ‘Abd Al-Ghani,a Khatib of one of the Masjid in Cairo narrates the following story.
He [May Allah Preserve him] writes:
“The story of Uwais Al-Qarni was mentioned in Sahih Muslim as well as in other books. Now even though he was from the Tabi’een and did not see the Messenger [Salah Allahu Alaihi wa salam], the Messenger [Salah Allahu Alaihi wa salam] had advised ‘Umar ibn Al-Khatab [Radiya Allahu ‘Anhu] that if he meets [Uwais] then he, ‘Umar, should ask [Uwais] to ask Allah to forgive him and to make supplication for him.
Thus ‘Umar [May Allah be pleased with him], during his Caliphate, used to ask all the delegates coming from Yemen: ‘Is Uwais among you?’, until finally during one of the years he met him. He found him a man not among the nobles of his people; nobody cares much for him, even those accompanying him, sidelined. So ‘Umar told him about the advice Prophet Muhammad gave him and asked Uwais to ask Allah the Exalted to forgive him. When ‘Umar discovered that Uwais was headed to Al-Kuffa he offered to write a letter to his assistant over there, so that he treats him with hospitality. However, Uwais refused and requested that ‘Umar doesn’t do that. He explained his request that he would love to live as an unknown among the people.
Now, I do not claim that I met that Noble Tabi’ee himself; rather I met a man from his school. A man following in the same footsteps of Uwais, and here is my story with him.
During one of the Fridays of Ramadan, I left my house to give the Friday Khutbah in one of the Masjids of Al-Jam’iyah Al-Shar’eyah in Cairo. While riding my car my clear white Thawb (dress worn by men in Arab countries) got stained with a black spot. That really upset me. I asked myself, ‘How could I stand in front of the people giving the Khutbah when this spot had stained my elegant dress?’ I left the car and headed towards the Masjid. During my walk I passed by a store that had a big mirror at its entrance. I stood in front of it fixing my clothes and making sure my head covering is placed properly. I then continued to the Masjid.
I reached the Masjid, but the issue of the stain was still bothering me. The entrance of the Masjid had a few beggars standing there. They usually stand there during this blessed month, each of them with a story that he uses to gain the sympathy of the people going to pray. I didn’t give them much attention and entered the Masjid. I climbed the Minbar quickly, hoping that no one would get a chance to see the black spot that stained my dress in the car.
I delivered the Khutbah, and then we prayed. After prayers, I leaned my back at a pillar that was next to the Qiblah, and I stretched my legs to relax.
Now Egyptians usually go and shake the hands of the Imam after the prayers making supplications for him. I started shaking their hands while being seated in the same manner, and replied to their supplications by nodding my head up and down. I was really exhausted at this time because of the hot weather and the fasting.
At that point, I noticed a blind man crossing the lines with extreme difficulty, asking to reach the Shaykh (referring to me). Nobody was paying attention to his request, rather some of them were waving their hands in an annoyed manner since the blind man used to [unintentionally] come in contact with them while crossing the lines. The caretaker of the Masjid took his hand and brought him to me. I looked at him, and saw that his clothe were worn-out. He had the appearance of a person that if he greets others they would not reply back to him, and if he speaks no one would care about what he said. My first impression was that he was one of the beggars I saw at the entrance of the Masjid.
The man reached where I was seated; he greeted me and I replied back to him while still being seated in the same manner I described earlier, relaxing and stretching my legs.
I waited for him to start by telling me how miserable his life is, like beggars usually do, but he didn’t.
Rather he started by praising the topic of my Khutbah!! I though to myself: ‘A new method of begging! Start by showing that you understood what was mentioned in the Khutbah so that my heart would soften?!’.
Then he said: “But I have some remarks about your Khutbah, so I hope you do not mind listening to them”.
I said in amazement, while still sitting in the same manner: “Remarks on my Khutbah!! and you are the one that will point them out?!”
He replied: “Yes”.
I said: “In what aspects of the Khutbah?”
He said: “In the Language, Hadith, and Tafseer”.
After that I honestly, stared at his face in astonishment, and said: “And to what extend is your knowledge in these sciences?”
He introduced himself to me, he was a graduate of Dar Al-‘Uloom and specialized in Islamic Sharee’ah. He had completed several papers/studies on Tafseer, and he studied along side several known scholars.
I looked at the people around me in the Masjid and they nodded their heads, affirming what the man was saying.
At that point I sat straight, and crossed my legs, and said to the man: “And what are these remarks you had, my dear respected sir”.
He said: “As for the language, you have used some words of the ‘Amiyah (slang) and that ruins the nobility and sublimity of the Khutbah” (he kept speaking to me about the importance of the Khatib using the proper language, with words that increased my love to our beautiful language).
“As for the Hadith, you quoted some traditions and mentioned the source of some, but didn’t do that for the rest. Also how can you quote a tradition and refer it to Abu Dawud, while it is in Bukhari don’t you know that this is something that relegates the status of the speaker”. (Then he kept speaking to me about the methods and manners of the scholars of hadith, which increased my love for the Science of Hadith).
“As for the Tafseer, you mentioned some statements of those who interpret the Quran by their opinion, so beware when speaking about the Book of Allah and do not be like a night-time woodcutter (lumberjack)”. (Then he kept speaking to me about the different methodologies used by the people of Tafseer, which increased my love to the science of Tafseer).
By that time, people had dispersed from around us.
As he was about to stand, I stood [quickly] and took his hand. I then rushed and got him his shoes, and assisted him in putting it on. He kept asking me not to. I took by his hand to take him to his home, but he swore to me not to.
At that point, I saw that we were behind a wall where no one can see us, so I took out a sum of money from my pocket, and I politely requested that he accepts it from me. Here, he got mad and raised his voice a little scolding me roughly. I apologized to him, and he accepted my apology, and said: “You might have felt sorry for me, when you saw the way I am dressed”. I said: “Yes, and I hope you can forgive me for not thinking highly of you the first time I saw you”, so he forgave me.
I told him: “Please, comfort me, how do you live and with whom?” He said: “I will answer you briefly. I have a small income, but Allah has blessed it with His Grace, and it suffices me from the disgrace of asking [others]”. I asked: “With whom do you live?” He replied: “By myself, my children and wife have already beaten me to the Hereafter” and then he said: “I want nothing from this Dunia, and my relationship with it is not that good. All I need is a dress to cover my body and a meal that would silence my hunger, and apart from that I do not need anything”.
So I fell on his hand to kiss it, and I shook his hand and walked away for a few steps. Then I looked back at where he was heading. I saw that the people are giving him no notice as he held his stick, which he used to feel the road in front of him.
As for me, I walked thinking about myself, and how upset I was when my clean white dress got stained. As I walked, cars would slow down so that I can cross [the street], and people passing would come by to shake my hands and ask me for supplications.
They were all deceived by my looks and appearance.
I remembered the statement of Prophet Muhammad [Salah Allah ‘Alaihi wa Salam], when he was between his companions and a man passed by who had the appearance of a wealthy man. So he [Salah Allah ‘Alaihi wa Salam] asked: “What do you say about that [man]?” They said: “O Prophet of Allah, he is the kind of person that when he speaks we would listen, and if he asks for our daughter’s hand in marriage we won’t oppose, and if he intercedes for someone we would accept his intercession”. Then a man who appeared poor and needy passed by, so he [Salah Allah ‘Alaihi wa Salam] asked: “And what do you say about that man?” They said: “He is the sort of person, that if he speaks we won’t listen to what he has to say, and if he requests our daughter’s hand in marriage we would oppose his request, and if he intercedes for someone we would not accept his intercession”. Then he [Salah Allah ‘Alaihi wa Salam] said: “That [poor] man is better (worth more) than all the earth filled with that other man”, Aw Kama Qaal Salah Allah ‘Alaihi wa Salam”.

Monday, September 13, 2010 at 11:23 AM , 0 Comments

What is Eid?

“What is Eid for the one who ate food and never fasted?
What is Eid for the one who drank tea, smoked cigarettes and indulged in intoxicants?
What is Eid for the one who neglected the commands of Allah ta’ala during the holy month of Ramadhaan?
What is Eid for the one who greets others, but only with a heavy heart harbouring hatred?
If one can’t find love in his heart even on this joyous day,
Then what use is the happiness of Eid?”

Friday, September 10, 2010 at 10:09 PM , 0 Comments