
Shaykh al-Islam Mawlana Sayyid Husayn Ahmad Madani (may Allah shower His mercy upon him) advised: 
‘‘One should be concerned with pleasing the Knower of the unseen. No matter how much success and fame we attain in this world, it is but for a few days. We should [seek to] attain the proximity and pleasure of that Pure Being who is attributed with perpetual eternity.’’ 
Malfuzat Hadrat Madani, p.107 (Delhi: Dar al-Isha‘at, July 1998 ed.) by Mawlana Abu ‘l-Hasan Barah Bankwi

Friday, March 11, 2011 at 8:15 PM , 0 Comments

Constancy in Remembrance of Allah and Negating Stray thoughts

Allah  سبحانه وتعالى says in the Holy Qur’an:

أَلاَ بِذِكْرِ اللّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ

Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment
[Sura al Ra’ad 13:28]

A person should strive to remember Allah سبحانه وتعالى in every situation, whether in public or in private. One way to achieve this is to recite the sunnah du’as (supplications) prescribed by Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم for every occasion. By being constant in this action, the remembrance of Allah سبحانه وتعالى will come automatically.

A person on the path of ihsaan should remain focussed and not allow himself to become distracted from the goal. Stray thoughts can be insinuated by one’s nafs as well as shaytaan and a person should strive to purify his heart and mind from such thoughts. The thoughts of the nafs are weaker than those of shaytaan; whereas the nafs invites to love of the  world and laxity in  worship, shaytaan invites to things far worse like lust, desire and evil. Through the nur (light) of the remembrance of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and worship, shaytaan is distanced. The nafs however remains, but Allah سبحانه وتعالى can grant tawfeeq ( ability) for even the thoughts of the nafs to go.
[This short excerpt is based on a brothers' majlis (gathering for spiritual training) held by Shaykh Abu Yusuf Riyadh ul Haq on 8th April 2000 and 12th April 2000]

Friday, March 4, 2011 at 7:49 PM , 0 Comments

It is Difficult to Become a HumanBeing

Hazrat Hakim-ul-Ummah Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) said, “Nowadays people have their priorities mixed up. They consider the unnecessary to be necessary, and the necessary to be unnecessary. Likewise, in the matter of bay’ah people consider it to be in the status of a fardh or wajib thus they go to extremes to become bay’ah and become a ‘buzurg’ (saint).
But my occupation and effort is totally focused on making humans. [Here, Hazrat Thanwi is referring to the 'perfected human', who is adorned with righteous character and purified of evil characteristics].
Attainment of greatness and ‘buzurgi’ (sainthood) is very easy because this is not our department of work; it is actually related to the Lofty and Sublime power of Allah Ta’ala. We are slaves and are incapable of granting ‘greatness’ to anyone. The one, whom He wishes to elevate and grant status to, shall be granted ‘buzurgi’.

But as far becoming a true ‘human’, this is something related to us mortal beings and thus it is a very difficult thing to acquire. One poet said,
You became a shaykh, and an ascetic,
But unfortunately you failed to become a Muslim

In my opinion, to say: ‘you failed to become a Muslim’ is a bit harsh, so I modified the couplet in this manner,
You became a shaykh, and an ascetic,
But unfortunately you failed to become a true human being

Now it sounds better.
Maulana Jalaluddeen Rumi (rahimahullah) said,
The fact that you are made up flesh and bone, is not what makes you human,

Your being ‘human’ is determined by attainment of the pleasure of Allah.
(Malfuzat-e-Hakimul-Ummah; 7/201-202)

NOTE: May Allah Ta’ala enlighten Hazrat Thanwi’s grave with light! In his writings, Hazrat always reminds us to focus on our priorities on this path and saves us from falling into misunderstandings and misconceptions.  This is also a great reminder for us that the purpose of tasawwuf and sulook is nothing but rectification of character and purification of the soul. The priceless gem of nisbah ma’ Allah (the connection with Allah) can never be acquired without it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 1:44 AM , 0 Comments