With regard to ‘holding the hand of Saints’, a poet describes as to how Allah opens up the road;
“My journey has become easy
Now that the winds have changed their direction.
The lamps of the road have lit up
Now that I have held your hand.”

When one holds the hand of a pious person, i.e. when he surrenders himself for reformation under the guidance of a spiritual mentor i.e. a Shaykh, then it becomes easy for him to conform to the Sunnah and the Shar’iah, as well

as to abstain from sins.

Hakeemul Ummah, Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thãnwi (R) says that some ignorant people think that when Shaykh Qasim Nãnotwi, Shaykh Rashid Ahmad Ganghohi and himself held the hand of Hãji Imdãdullah (R), then he (Hãji Imdãdullah) suddenly became an outstanding personality.

Shaykh Thãnwi (R) rebutted this thought with great emotion saying;

“I take an oath that these people are in folly! By Allah! ask these very Ulamã what was their condition before they had held the hand of Hãji Saheb? Before being blessed with the beneficial companionship of Hãji Saheb, we undoubtedly
possessed knowledge, but it was dormant. We likewise possessed Imãn before being in the company of Hãji Saheb, but it was the Imãn of belief, an argument and an intellectual Imãn. We had the belief of’;
“And He (Allah) is with you where ever you are.”
‘But we believed in general companionship. After placing our hand into the hand of Hãji Saheb, and commencing Zikrullah, the doors of our hearts opened, allowing the Noor of Allah to enter therein.

Our Imãn of belief now advanced to a level of Imãn of ecstasy and reality, and our belief concerning the general presence of Allah progressed to a level of believing in His Special Presence. This belief was now changed to a fervent and intuitive belief and experience, which we actually perceived with our hearts, that Allah has indeed entered our hearts.”


Once Khwaja Azizul Hasan (R) asked Shaykh Thãnwi (R) in Jaunpur;
“How will a person know that he has attained sainthood and has established a link with Allah? Will he realise that he has actually established a firm link with Allah? Will he perceive that Allah has entered his heart?”
Shaykh Thãnwi (R) replied, “When you attained puberty (buloogh) did you realise it? Did you have to ask your friends, ’O friends! Tell me, have I attained puberty?”

What a marvellous example! Shaykh Thãnwi (R) then explained; “Likewise, when a person devotes some time in the company of the Ahlullah (saints), engaging in Zikrullah and abstaining from sins, his soul reaches puberty. A different life enters in him. His heart becomes filled with the love of Allah and he perceives the special spiritual warmth and closeness of Allah.”

Taken from "Tarbiyatus Saalikeen

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 12:10 PM