The prevalence of goodness among people is dependent on adab (respect), and without humility there is no adab. Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thaanvi (rahmatullah alayh) commented:
“How can there be khair (goodness) and barkat (blessings) on earth when adab has disappeared. As a result of the disappearance of adab numerous difficulties and misfortunes have overwhelmed people. By adab is not meant customary or superficial etiquettes. In this context I refer to true adab which means to maintain everything within its limits.
Among the essentials of adab is to refrain from distressing or inconveniencing others A mere outward display of respect is not true adab. Nevertheless, customary respect if maintained within limits and offered at the right time will also be within the scope of adab.
“How can there be khair (goodness) and barkat (blessings) on earth when adab has disappeared. As a result of the disappearance of adab numerous difficulties and misfortunes have overwhelmed people. By adab is not meant customary or superficial etiquettes. In this context I refer to true adab which means to maintain everything within its limits.
Among the essentials of adab is to refrain from distressing or inconveniencing others A mere outward display of respect is not true adab. Nevertheless, customary respect if maintained within limits and offered at the right time will also be within the scope of adab.
The soul of adab is to ensure peace for others. But today is the age in which neither the son has adab for his father nor the father for the son. The student has no adab for the Ustaadh nor the Ustaadh for the student. The mureed has no respect for the Murshid nor the Murshid for the mureed. The wife has no respect for the husband nor the husband for the wife. In these cases I refer to true adab, namely, ensuring peace and comfort for one another.
Adab is not confined to only juniors. Seniors too have to observe adab for juniors. In the latter case it means that seniors should fulfil the huqooq (rights) of the juniors. The natural consequence of fulfilment of rights is peace and comfort.
It is necessary for every person to bear this in mind. Alas! Today, not only the laity, but even the elite (i.e. the learned men) are extremely defective in the observance of adab. Only a few things are in this day regarded as the requisites of piety. Social conduct and moral character have been excised from the constituents of the Deen. May Allah Ta’ala bestow righteous understanding.”
Adab is not confined to only juniors. Seniors too have to observe adab for juniors. In the latter case it means that seniors should fulfil the huqooq (rights) of the juniors. The natural consequence of fulfilment of rights is peace and comfort.
It is necessary for every person to bear this in mind. Alas! Today, not only the laity, but even the elite (i.e. the learned men) are extremely defective in the observance of adab. Only a few things are in this day regarded as the requisites of piety. Social conduct and moral character have been excised from the constituents of the Deen. May Allah Ta’ala bestow righteous understanding.”
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