Allaamah Abdul Wahhaab Sha’raani (rahmatullah alayh) said: “It is mentioned in the Hadith that in the later age (aakhiruz zamaan) there will be such people who will be strategists.”
Commenting on this Hadith, he said: “With deeds of the Aakhirah they will earn the dunya (the wealth and fame of the world). They will don garments of the Deen; their talk will be sweeter than honey, but they will have the hearts of wolves.”
The curse of stratagems (hiyal) employed by the worldly Ulama of our age has made ‘halaal’ the entire Riba system of the capitalists. The current system of ‘Islamic banking’ comes fully within the glare of this Hadith, and so do its ulama propounders. The same applies to the halaalizers of carrion. In Allah’s Name they halaalize diseased rotten carrion to feed the Ummah. And all of this – ‘Islamic banking’ and halaalized carrion chickens, etc. is the accursed perpetration of the ‘strategist’ ulama-e-soo’.
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