Lifelong Code For A Noble Character

As Narrated From Imaam – Us – Sulook Maseehul – Ummah Shah Muhammad Maseehullah
Saahib (Nawwarallahu Marqaduhu) By Shafeequl – Ummah Shaikh Muhammad Faaruq
(Rahimahullah Ta’ala Alaihi)
NOTE: It should be clearly understood that the words of wisdom (“Malfuzat”) which emanate from the lips
of the Awliyaa – Allah (friends of Allah), are not in any way divorced from the Noble Qur'an or the glorious
Sunnah of the beloved Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam). in fact as these pious souls have drunk
deep from the fountains of the Kalaamullah and the Sunnat e Rasulullah, their words are the very essence of
the Qur'an Kareem and the Ahaadith e Mubaarakah. due to their Taqwa and strict obedience to the blessed
Sunnah, Allah Most High illuminates the hearts and minds of these Ahlullah with the gift of Ma’arifat (special
understanding/awareness of the attributes of Allah Jal–La-Jalaaluhu), and it is this which is the source from
which springs such words which tend to be of profound benefit to those who care to hear and obey!
 (Acquire Taqwaa – “Piety”), and remember (the core) of taqwaa is to refrain from disobedience to Allah Ta’ ala under all
conditions and every situation!
• (Inculcate Tawaadu – “Humility”), and be aware that tawaadu is this that one avoids considering oneself superior, high and
mighty and stops from looking down on others as inferior, contemptible and disgustful!
• (Entrench Husn-e-Akhlaaq – “Beautiful/Good Character/Attributes”) in one’s life with zeal and fervour, and remember that
the foundation of Husn-e-Akhlaaq is to enamour oneself with Hilm, that is Forbearance and Tolerance and dealing gently with
others (however annoying the situation!)
• (Husn-e-Akhlaaq should be accompanied) by Husn-e-Kalaam (“Beautiful Speech”), to speak politely, sweetly and courteously
with a soft voice and tone. Exhibit Husn-e-Akhlaaq and Husn-e-Kalaam not only outside, but also (towards one’s family
members) at home!
• With steadfastness, continuity, longing, and desire execute (carry out) the A’maal-e-Saaliha (“Good/Pious Deeds”) … (in the
same way as a healthy hungry person craves for delicious wholesome food!).
• Abstain (Stay far away) from the A’maal-e-Sayyiah (“Evil/Reprehensible Deeds”) with vehemence and dislike … (in the
same way as a normal person finds repugnant any contact with impure and foul substances!).
• (Ensure that) your tongue remains Zaakir, always fresh and busy in the Zikr (“Remembrance”) of Allah Ta’ala!
• (Make doubly sure that) your Qalb (heart) is Shaakir, always beating in Shukr (“Thankfulness”) to our Lord!
• Never allow Gaiz/Gadab/ ”Gussah” – unjustified “Anger/Wrath” to come anywhere near to you!
Hadrat Sahfeequl-ul-Ummah further says: My Murshid (“Guide/Mentor who leads towards Allah”) Hadrat Maseeh-ul-
Ummah very often in his Majaalis (“Sitting” of knowledge and wisdom) used to emphasise the need for Husn-e-Zann, that
is to entertain a good opinion for every person!......And (my Murshid) often used to recite this couplet:
“Never trust this Nafs-e-Ammaara (Evil lowly self) O! Zaahid (Shunner of this world),
Angel even if the Nafs turns into, still be wary and on the lookout for its mischief!!”
• Once Hadrat advised: (We live) in trying and difficult times; there is a need to recognise the (character of the people of this)
age. Never be hasty in accepting any person as one’s close associate, confidante or bosom friend for hypocrisy and back-stabbing
has become a common thing!
• (Always make Duaa), for the one who supplicates and asks from Allah is never Mahroom (“Turned away/Deprived”)!
• The one who fears (Allah Most High) will gain the Hifaazat (“Protection”) of Allah!
• Divine assistance is promised for those who strive with determination and courage; the greater the determination (towards
good) the greater the assistance from Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala!
• Continually take stock (account) of your actions (so that you make shukr on the guidance to do good, seek forgiveness for
any shortcomings and grab all opportunities for success). Remember, more the Hisaab (“Reckoning/Account taking”) more the
Thawaab (Reward)!
• Aaqil (“Intelligent”) is he who understands the correct occasion (as to when to encourage/admonish), and the (mental) capacity
of the person he/she is speaking/preaching to!
• Be happy, prosper and progress (within the wide limitations of the benevolent Shariah); digest the (short-lived) sorrows/
worries (of this worldly life); (learn to) swallow your anger; and feed sweets to the people (literally and figuratively i.e. be kind, forgiving
and generous!) … Insha-Allah the world will fall before you and kiss your feet!!
Maseeh-ul-Ummah Hadrat Maulana Qaari Muhammad Maseehullah Khan Sherwani Jalalabadi (1329 – 1413 a.h./1910 – 1992
c.e), eminent Khalifa of Hakeem-ul-Ummah Shah Ashraf Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on them and fill their graves with
light and grant them both a place amongst his chosen slaves the Awliyaa-e-Siddiqeen).

Friday, April 30, 2010 at 10:57 AM

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