A Distinctive Characteristic of the Righteous Scholars

Adapted from the works of Maulana Zakariyyah Kandhalwi (rah)
One of the distinctive characterstics of true Ulema [Scholars] is that they are seriously interested in the deeper aspects of religious knowledge which relate to Suluk [Tasawwuf]. They are constantly engaged in the struggle to reform and purify their own souls, realizing that reforming one's inner self helps one in gaining deeper understanding of the formal aspects of knowledge. Rasulullah (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) has said: "Whosoever acts upon his knowledge, Allah will grant him knowledge of things which he has not acquired".

It occurs in the scriptures of the former Prophets (alayhim salaam) "O Children of Israel! Say not 'Knowledge lies in the skies above, who can make it descend upon us?' Nor should you say: 'Knowledge lies in the bowels of earth, too deep for us to dig out.' Nor say: 'Knowledge lies across the seas too far away for us to reach it.' Rather, the fountains of knowlege spring from within your own hearts. If you remain in My Presence observing proper etiquette in the manner of great spiritual beings and cultivate the pious manners of the veracious believers [Siddiqeen], I shall cause the fountains of knowledge to spring forth from your hearts. So much so, that you will be overwhelmed by knowledge." Experience shows that the pious beings who attained nearness to Allah are granted access to intricate subtleties and profound aspects of knowledge which lie beyond the reach of an ordinary scholar depending only on books.

Rasulullah (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) says that Allah has said: "No means whereby My servant seeks My Favor are more pleasing to Me than the observance of Faraaidh (obligatory duties such as Salaah, Saum, Zakaah, Hajj)." That is to say that no other means of seeking nearness to Allah can compare with the proper observance of Faraaidh. "And My servant ceases not to seek nearness to My by optional practices until I make him My favorite, and when I make him My favorite, I become his ears by which he hears, his eyes by which he sees, and his hands by which he holds, and his feet by which he walks. And if he asks Me for something, I fulfill his desire, or if he seeks refuge against anything, I grant him refuge." (Sahih Bukhari)

This hadith means that when a man becomes a favorite of Allah he fully submits to Allah's Will in his walking, seeing, and hearing and in each and everything he does. Some other versions of this hadith add: "Whosever despises or bears enmity against any of My friends has declared war against Me."

Since the great saints are the favorites of Allah they are constantly and wholeheartedly engaged in contemplation, meditation and remembrance of Allah and thus the subtle and deeper meanings of the Quran are revealed unto them, and the divine mysteries are made manifest to their souls. Especially, the hearts of those who always remain absorbed in remembrance of Allah are inspired with the deeper significance of the Quranic verses. Everone can acquire spiritual knowledge with Divine assistance [Tawfeeq] from Allah, however the portion of his knowledge would be commensurate with his concern for good actions and his diligence in devotions.

In a comprehensive hadith quoted by Ibn Qayyim (rah) in his book "Miftaah Dar-as-Sa'adah" and by Abu Naeem Al-Isfahani (rah) in "Hilyat-ul-Awliya", Ali (radiyallahu anhu) is reported to have given the following thorough account of the qualities of the Ulema who are concerned only about the Akhirah [Herafter]:

"Human hearts are like vessels and the best hearts are those which are containers of all that is good; it is better to preserve knowledge than to accumulate wealth. For, knowledge give you protection while wealth needs protection by you; knowledge increases by use while wealth decreases by spending. The benefits of wealth do not remain after it has been spent, but the benefits of learning are eternal." (people continue to benefit from the sayings of learned men even after their death).

He then heaved a deep sigh and added, "Within my bosom I hold true knowledge, I wish I could find people who would be capable of receiving this knowledge. It is a pity that either I find men who employ religious pursuits for amassing wealth, or I find people who indulge in sensual pleasures, and are after amassing worldy wealth."

Friday, April 23, 2010 at 11:30 AM

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