Imaam Shaafi’ (rahmatullah alayh) offering advice to the Ulama, said: “For an Aalim there should be some such deeds of virtue which are secrets between him and Allah Ta’ala. No one should be aware thereof. Knowledge and deeds which are rendered in public have little benefit in the Aakhirah.”
  Numerous people had seen many Auliya and great Ulama in their dreams after they had died. These Auliya and Ulama had not mentioned in their dreams that they had been forgiven by virtue of their knowledge. It was usually some deed which was insignificant in worldly terms, which formed the basis for forgiveness. Someone who saw Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh) in a dream, queried: “How are your faring?” Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayh) said: “Allah Ta’ala forgave me.” The person said: “Did Allah Ta’ala forgive you on account of your Ilm?” Imaam Abu Hanifah said: “I repent! I repent! The conditions and calamities of Ilm are numerous. Only in rare cases are people forgiven by virtue of their knowledge.”
  The moral calamities of riya (show), hubb-e-jah (love for fame, and hubb-e-maal (love for wealth) have ruined most of the Ulama.

Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 10:48 AM

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