* Consuming Mushtabah (Doubtful) and haraam wealth has become dominant over the Ulama in this age. They are drowned in satisfying their stomachs and giving vent to lust/carnality. They have made their knowledge a net with which they hunt the world.”
(Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak – rahmatullah alayh)

* “If corruption did not overwhelm the Ulama, they would have been the noblest of mankind. But they have made Ilm (Deeni Knowledge) a means of livelihood. They have therefore become contemptible on earth and in the heavens.
(Fudhail Bin Iyaadh – rahmatullah alayh)

* “If a man has acquired all Knowledge and engrosses himself in ibaadat to the extent that he becomes as thin as a rake, but he does not scrutinize whether the food ingested into his stomach is halaal or haraam, then his ibaadat is unacceptable to Allah Ta’ala.”
(Hasan Basri – rahmatullah alayh)

* “If despite being the Bearer of the Qur’aan, a man inclines towards the world, then he has made a mockery of the aayaat of Allah Ta’ala.”
(Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak – rahmatullah alayh

Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 12:37 AM

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